by Robert Castle

event name: December 2016 video event

event number: 12201634v

The MDSA Executive Board is proud to announce the teams who received a qualifying/successful score in this MDSA freestyle event. We wish to congratulate everyone who entered this event. We hope to see you all again in a future event.

Titles indicated by * and legs indicated in parens.

Class Novice

·        Behrens, Peggy (*)

.        Hunter, Karen and Otis (1)

.        Jones, Pam and Cody (1)

         Tremis, Rachel and Dakota (1)

         White, Lisa and Lexi (*) 

         White, Lisa and Scarlett (*)

Class Intermediate

·        Jackson, Mariepierre and Flash FEO Successful (2)

Classs Veteran

.        Jackson, MP and Flash (1)

event name: August 2016 video event

event number: 08201633V

The MDSA Executive Board is proud to announce the teams who received a qualifying/successful score in this MDSA freestyle event. We wish to congratulate everyone who entered this event. We hope to see you all again in a future event.

Titles indicated by * and legs indicated in parens.

 Class Novice

·        Culver, Allison and Petey(*)

·        Marshal, Pat and Star (*)

·        White, Lisa and Lexi (1)

.        White, Lisa and Scarlett (1)

.        Reed, Biff and Bing (1)

Class Standard

·        Sjomeling, Kathy and Nevada (1)

Classs Veteran

.        Culver, Allison and Bob (1)

Class Novice Brace

.       Greff, Kathy and ChaCha & Chase (1)

event name: April 2016 video event

event number: 04201632V

The MDSA Executive Board is proud to announce the teams who received a qualifying/successful score in this MDSA freestyle event. We wish to congratulate everyone who entered this event. We hope to see you all again in a future event.

Titles indicated by * and legs indicated in parens.

 Class Novice

·        Kniseley, Connie and Tsunami (*)

·        Marshal, Pat and Star (2)

·        Pirtle, Bridgette and Roxxy (*)

Class Intermediate

·        Hunter, Karen & Reese (*)


Click here to see upcoming MDSA video events