Face-to front

Canine Freestyle Moves Database

Suggested cue ... "FRONT"

01 Face to Front diagram.jpg

Dog is centered in front of the handler facing the handler.

Sandy Guzetti and Creeker

Sandy Guzetti and Creeker

How to train

Start with the dog in left hand heel position.

Step forward with the right foot and with the right hand (or target stick) indicate to the dog to move out in front.

Move the dog out in a straight line. The dog needs enough room to be able to turn around and approach with a straight spine.

SkyeFront 0124.jpg

Once the dog is out as far as you can reach, lure the dog to turn around and start to approach you.

SkyeFront 0130.jpg

As the dog moves towards you return your right foot next to your left foot.

SkyeFront 0146.jpg

Keep the dog centered and bring him in as close to you as you want. Reward in the correct position.

Add the cue when the dog is doing the behavior correctly, that ie, moving from his original position to come and stand, centered, in front of you, The sequence of events is

... say the cue

... move the dog into position

... mark the behavior

... reward in position

Repeat the above from your left and right hand sides.

03 Face to Trouble Shooting.jpg

If training Face-to-front from the left hand side, once the dog is in position in the front and after he has been rewarded, turn right 90 degrees on the spot and repeat.

If training Face-to-front from the right hand side, once the dog is in position in the front and after he has been rewarded, turn left 90 degrees on the spot and repeat.


These videos illustrate hand and leg movements used to teach the dog Front position.